News and Recognition
So many people to thank along the way along this journey of Discovery Science. Mass General Brigham commemorates Amar's professorship with Inaugral Grand Rounds Lecture in MGB Psychiatry on Dec 5, 2024. Videos of Seminar (Left, give it a minute) and Celebration Toasts (Right) below.
Congrats Amar on your promotion to Professor (Officially Dec 2023), Shown here with Dean
George Daley. Amar thanks mentees, mentors, collaborators for making the journey an
exciting one so far.
Amar is invited to join Harvard Brain Science Initiative (HBI) Faculty Steering Committee.
Excited to serve as mentor with Jason Alipio PhD, PDF in the lab, in Simons Foundation’s Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN) program in 2024-2025
Congrats Yu-Tzu and Jason on acceptance of your paper at Neuron. So happy for your success and excited to get this work out. Excited to build on these findings in our ongoing work. Our paper is covered by Spectrum Autism Research news
Thank you NIH/NIMH for your continued support ($3 million R01) for our work on inhibitory circuits and social cognition
Lab receives 2 year $750K grant from SIMONS SCPAB to continue work on aging and cognition
A Trifecta for Travis:
Congrats Travis on being awarded a K99 NIMH Pathway to Independence award. Truly awesome news.
Congrats Travis on your Japan Neuroscience Travel Award. Kanpai!
Congrats Travis on your KappaCon Travel award!
Congrats Ain on your Tenure Track BME Faculty Position at KAIST. Really Fantastic news!! Cant wait to see your discoveries!
Congrats Travis on your SOBP Travel Award. Well done. Great network to be a part of.
Congrats Jason on your NIA Diversity 2 Year Postdoctoral Grant to support your work on PV INs, aging and social cognition! Terrific news!
Excited to be awarded NIA R01 for our ongoing efforts to improve memory in aging and MCI. Thank
you! Team work!
Congrats Hannah on acceptance of your paper! Well done. Very excited about your findings & Congrats on DFG Transition Grant. Well-deserved and Good luck!
Congrats Cinzia on a 2021 MGH FMD Fundamental Research Fellowship. Well done!
Our ongoing efforts to dampen hippocampal hyperactivity and increase GABAergic inhibition to maintain memory precision is highlighted in this article from the SIMONS Foundation. Boosting the Brain’s Brakes to Beat Memory Loss
The lab's work on neurogenesis, aging and memory is featured alongside that of other memory researchers in Lauren Aguirre's novel "The Memory Thief: And the Secrets Behind How We Remember"
Congrats Yu-Tzu on a 2021 MGH FMD Fundamental Research Fellowship. Well done!
Congrats Lina on Summa Cum laude and Highest Honors in Neuroscience for your thesis!
Onward to medical school. Well done!
Congrats Michael on a 2021 Warren DuPont Fellowship in Psychiatry. Well done!
Congrats Travis on a 2020 NARSAD (BBRF) Young Investigator Award. Well done!
Congrats Travis on your Perspective on Engrams and Memory Indexing
"An Integrated Index: Engrams, Place Cells, and Hippocampal Memory" (Neuron August 6 2020)
Amar is named a 2019 MGH Research Scholar thanks to the generous philanthropy of James and Audrey Foster. Thank you!
Our paper entitled "Dorsolateral septum somatostatin interneurons gate mobility to calibrate context-
specific behavioral fear responses" is published in Nature Neuroscience (Feb 04, 2019).
Congrats Antoine, Michael and Hannah and our collaborators. Check out the MGHEurekaAlert press release. And HSCI Press Release here.
Congrats Antoine on acceptance of your paper in Nature Neuroscience demonstrating a role for a potentially hardwired subpopulation of DLS SST interneurons and GABA long range projection neurons in calibration of adaptive fear responses. Awesome news!
Amar is awarded a 2018 AARG Alzheimer's Research Grant. We are thankful for the support !
Congrats Antoine on your paper (Besnard et al, Cell Reports) describing a stress sensitive transcription factor moderating fear responses! Terrific. Read the Press Release here. and here.
Congrats Hannah on 2 year DFG fellowship! Well deserved.
Congrats Dr. Tara Raam on a successful thesis defense and a really great seminar! Onward to Hopkins for an exciting postdoc!
Congrats Michael for your successes in PhD Neuroscience program interviews (Hopkins/Harvard/Yale) and we are happy you are staying in Boston!
Congrats Alec on admission to Harvard Medical School. Indeed, crimson is your favorite color!
Congrats Kate on joining Biogen! Exciting times ahead!
Congrats Nannan on identifying a role for feedforward inhibition in DG-CA3 in governing generalization of remote memories in adulthood and aging (Guo et al, Nature Medicine, Accepted). Awesome news!
Congrats Tara on edifying the role of Hippocampal Oxytocin receptors in social memory (Nature Communications). Terrific, well-done! Onward! Read Press Release here.
Lab is awarded Ro1 from NIMH to support investigations into social memory circuits. Thank you!
Congrats Cinzia on your 2017 NARSAD YI Grant! Awesome.
Amar is awarded a 2017 HSCI Seed grant for lab's work on novel neurogenic regulators. Thank you!
Our review on Targeting Adult Neurogenesis to Optimize Hippocampal Circuits in Aging is out.
Amar is awarded a 2017 NARSAD Independent Investigator Grant for our ongoing work on human cellular reprogramming. Thank you!
Congrats Tara on 2017 Wisconsin Symposium on Emotions Travel Award.
Watch Amar talk about what drives the research in the Sahaylab (and a preview of work to come).
Our paper on Neurogenesis, neuronal competition, memory, remapping and aging is out in Neuron. Check out blurb. Congrats Kate!
Lab receives Ro1 funding from NIA. Fuel for our science on memory and aging.
Alexia is awarded one of Harvard's 2016 Hoopes Prizes for outstanding senior honors thesis. Congrats! We are super happy for you! (Co-advisors: Amar Sahay and Arthur Kleinman)
Read about HIP mentors discussing their passion for mentoring undergraduate HIP interns
Amar shares his perspective on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis along with colleagues in The Scientist.
Sahay lab receives award from Ellison Family. We are grateful to Ellison Family for their support of our work on memory processing in aging and Alzheimer's disease.
Lab celebrates mentored-undergraduate research with paper accepted in Hippocampus
Amar is awarded a 2015 HSCI development Grant.
Congrats Tomer for hitting homeruns on his PhD Program Neuroscience-Interviews at Columbia,
UCSF, MIT......and he is off to UC Berkeley for his Ph.D. We couldnt be more happier for you.
Congrats Shannen! She graduates with Highest honors in Neurobiology.
Sahay lab receives 2014 Inscopix Decode Award to combine optical imaging and behavior
Amar's application for 2014 AFAR New Investigator Award in Alzheimer's disease is selected for funding (but unfunded because of loss of eligibility owing to receipt of a nonoverlapping BRAINS Ro1!)
Congrats Antoine on being awarded a 2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Award from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
Congratulations to Tara Raam and Hugo Ramirez for clearing their PQEs
Congratulations to Melissa Boldrige for her honor’s thesis in the lab and graduation.
Kate gave a talk on her work at the 2014 HSCI Annual Retreat
February 2014 saw us organize the first international meeting on Adult Neurogenesis in
mainland Asia in Mumbai, India (Adult neurogenesis: From Stem Cells to Therapies). Exciting science from around the world and in India.
Watch Amar talk about how neurogenesis may be harnessed to modulate mood.
Kavli American-Israeli Symposium 2013
Amar is faculty co-chair of the 2013 HSCI Annual Malkin Retreat, a day for sharing inspiring science
Kate's abstract was chosen for a talk at the Stanley Center Symposium on the Emerging Genetics and Neurobiology of severe mental illness at the BROAD Institute.
Tara Raam joins lab as first graduate student! Exciting.
Congrats to Sally for her graduate school offers. Starting NYU Neuroscience in the fall!
Congrats to Antoine on receiving grants from the Bettencourt-Schueller and Philippe Foundations
Amar was awarded a Whitehall Foundation Grant and a Ellison New Scholar in Aging Award
Nannan, Kate and Antoine join the lab
Sally Levinson is lab's first hire.
Amar receives 2011 Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development Award from Society For Neuroscience
September 2011. The Sahay lab is born.
Our Smart mice make it to NPR...
Wait, Wait dont tell me.
Also, read about in MIT Tech Review.